Developing an Emissions Modeling Quality Assurance Tool
Prepared For:
Marc Houyoux
Prepared By:
3 Emissions Web Analysis Package
5 Spatial Allocator Enhancements
6 SMOKE Biogenic Land Use Preprocessor
8 Projection and Control Packet Interface
This memo presents ideas for the development of an
emissions modeling preprocessor and QA tool.
The now defunct SMOKE Tool was a program that provided a series of
utilities for preprocessing and viewing different emissions datasets to prepare
them for use in SMOKE. We propose
resurrecting the concept of a SMOKE preprocessor in the form of a Java program
that will expand upon the functions of the original SMOKE Tool by integrating
features from UAM-Guides? and EMS-95 and adding new QA
and preprocessing utilities. Pulling
together a series of current QA utilities and developing a set of new programs
for displaying and manipulating emissions data, this Java tool will “close the
loop” in the analysis between SMOKE input and output data. The preprocessors in this tool will automate
the creation of SMOKE inputs and also make the preparation of SMOKE inputs more
accessible to the emissions modeling community.
The Emissions QA tool will
read raw SMOKE inputs, display the data graphically integrated with different
types of GIS information, and automate the production of different QA metrics
for evaluating the quality of the data.
We propose the features below to be contained in the prototype of this
Expanding upon an
emissions regression prototype program developed for the WRAP, the QA tool will
automate the creation of emissions regressions by state, county, and SCC.
Mapping tool for
comparing reported and modeled emissions densities will allow the comparison of
SMOKE emissions normalized to land area (tons/sq.meter)
to reference information reported in the National Air Pollutant Emissions
Trends reports.
Inventory county
maps (similar to EMS-95 plots) by SCC, SCC group, population normalization,
pollutant, etc. for comparison of the raw emissions data to post-SMOKE PAVE
GIS overlays onto
PAVE-like emissions plots will produce both emissions density maps and
conventional emissions plots overlaid with GIS information
SMOKE surrogate
maps for comparing against GIS shape files. The production of SMOKE surrogate
maps will allow the graphical comparison between what SMOKE is using to
spatially allocate emissions and the GIS shape files used to create these
normalization and sorting and ranking by a specified metric. This function will automate the creation of
cumulative emissions totals for probing the top 80 or 90% of the emissions
sources when performing QA.
Layer fractions
QA tool to sort the layer reports coming out of Smkreport
and present the information in a more user-friendly format.
Point source coordinate and stack parameter QA to test the
location of stacks relative to county boundaries and to perform sanity checks
on stack parameters by SCC class, respectively.
· Tools for summing modeled emissions across different spatial and temporal resolutions
Instrument the QA
tool to automate the generation and web-posting of emission QA graphics. Add a utility to the QA tool that would
generate a series of graphical and tabular metrics and automatically post the
results to a generic web page format.
Sample metrics to include on these pages would include Max-0 tile plots
for all source categories and pollutants, true Max tile plots for all source
categories and pollutants, time series at different spatial and temporal
resolutions, inventory regressions, SCC tile plots, surrogate tile plots,
temporal profile plots, vertical emissions profile plots, tabular inventory
summaries (from Smkreport), documentation files (e.g.
spreadsheets, Word docs, etc), and Bugzilla links.
There was a wide-range of interest at the 2003 CMAS Models-3 Workshop in the availability of community analysis tools for emissions modeling. This interest generated discussion about tools developed independently around the SMOKE modeling community for evaluating emissions modeling with SMOKE. Gail Tonessen at UC-Riverside offered a set of tools developed under WRAP funding to the community for auditing SMOKE emissions modeling. These tools post-process SMOKE emissions to create time series, horizontal and vertical spatial aggregations, and temporally averaged emissions reports and graphics independent of SMOKE. We propose to survey the SMOKE modeling community to determine what analysis tools are available that have been independently developed and collect these tools to distribute in an analysis suite for SMOKE evaluation and QA. These utilities could be coupled to or integrated into the emissions QA tool for distribution with SMOKE.
The Multimedia Integrated Modeling System (MIMS) uses a program called the Spatial Allocator to display modeling grids and to generate spatial surrogates for emissions modeling. We propose modifying the Spatial Allocator to interpolate and window available spatial surrogates and land use information. The Spatial Allocator will be enhanced with a SMOKE surrogate and land use reader to allow these data to be imported into the system for manipulation. Once read in by the Spatial Allocator, windowing of both types of data could be performed to create subdomains from large unified datasets. In addition to windowing the data, the Spatial Allocator could also function to interpolate coarse grid data to a finer grid. Also by reading in land use information, the Spatial Allocator could be used to manipulate and project the land use categories into the future for sensitivities on how emissions are affected by land use changes.
SMOKE uses gridded land use files as inputs to the biogenic emissions
program BEIS3. As the gridded land use files contain domain-specific information,
they must be created for new spatial configurations of SMOKE. Currently these files are prepared in a
preprocessing step independent of SMOKE using script-based programs developed
by the CEP. To automate the process of
creating land use files and to make the preparation of BEIS3 inputs more
accessible, we propose adding a BELD à BEIS3 preprocessor to the Spatial Allocator
feature of the QA tool. This
preprocessor will compile and grid the 1-km BELD land use files into a grid
specified by the user. The land use
reader to the Spatial Allocator will be written to
allow the integration of other land use datasets in the future. (Note: This work has been funded as part of
a separate project.)
QA requires that the data be reviewed at all key steps in the process of
converting raw ASCII inventory files into binary model-ready emissions
files. While SMOKE offers a QA package
in the program Smkreport that allows monitoring this
conversion process, the SMOKE environment lacks a tool for both checking the
data before it is used in SMOKE and for auditing SMOKE modeling. A GIS-based inventory viewer that is
independent of SMOKE is proposed that will allow modelers to visualize raw
inventory files, ancillary input data for cross comparisons between SMOKE input
and output data. Adding GIS capabilities
to this tool will also allow the layering of different types of information in
a graphical display. For example,
emissions inventory estimates, a specific land use category assigned by SMOKE,
and population density could be plotted together to evaluate the quality of the
inventory and spatial surrogate data.
Specifically the proposed visualization tool would read IDA and NIF
formatted inventory files and display the data graphically by state, county,
and/or SCC totals.
SMOKE users need a way to
systematically create growth and control packets for projecting emissions and
creating inventories for emissions sensitivity studies. The EGAS system creates projection files that
can be input to SMOKE after being reformatted.
Control files can be manually created, but for detailed control
applications, such as various levels of controls on many different sources
applied non-uniformly in a modeling domain, the creation of these files could
be unreasonably tedious. We propose the development
of a GUI for creating and applying emissions projection and control packets to
emissions inventories. Integrating both EGAS control packets and allowing the
creation of new projection and control factors, the GUI will display the
packets graphically as they apply to different sources and will display
inventories before and after the application of projection and controls. This tool would also allow the selection of spatial
units (state and/or county) and sources (by SCC) and the level of control to
apply to them. The output would be a set
of SMOKE-formatted control packets.